Saturday, April 09, 2005


This country is melding again. We are the melting pot, of course, but ironically we, who have already melted, are quite reluctant to permit current generations of immigrants from doing the same. In other words: we want what we've got and do not want to share it with anyone else. The percentage of spanish speaking Americans is skyrocketing. Do we feel that they will politically and economically push us aside as we did the Native American upon our arrival here? They just may do it. The influx of Asian American to loosely bordered countries like Canada is also burgeoning. As the world's economy starts to depolarize, as it must, or at least shift in polarity; we will see countries and the citizens of those countries begin to spread over the globe and with it the end of the status quo. It simply is the way of things. No empire lives forever. Not even the United States.


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