Sunday, May 06, 2007

In my Pants

There's so much to say about the state of the world, everyone's got an opinion. Now with the WEB we can hear every one of them. How to filter out the noise? How about growing a fuckin' brain? With upcoming generations being spoonfed information via the internet, with no thought to it's truth or accuracy. Online postings saying "look at me, I'm important...I'm special" It's no wonder in a world that promulgates anonymity that we should overcompensate by creating a virtual wellspring of self esteem. A wellspring that springs from nothing...from fantasy. From seeing throngs of people who are famous for being famous. It's past from our parents to to their children. From Society to Paris Hilton. We've become a flabby, souless country. Actually, we're not alone...this cancer has spread to every burgeoning culture on the planet, the more nacent the faster it grows..unchecked by humility or responsibility. Look at Japan, it was a box of bone dry tinder that came to close to our flame. They set aside a rich history of honor and accountability for the easy road. And it happened FAST. Look at the Native American cultures of our nation. Empty shadows of a once proud people. Now rotting from inside from a disease to which they had no immunity. Decadence. A grim metaphor to the blanket ridden w/ Small pox given to them by our government, they succumb to the diseases of gambling, alcoholism, money grubbing through top heavy reservation casinos, feeding off their own flesh. Left in the wake is a desperate people longing for the days of quiet solitude and reverance to an Earth that gave up a bountiful offering and asked for only one thing...restraint.


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