Monday, April 21, 2014

We are Quantum Suicide!

In the space between the words spoken in anger, there is an angry silence almost if not more important that the words.  What is anger?  Anger is frustration relating to misunderstanding.  The misunderstanding of intent, of worth, of need, of action...this is the gulf between the world and both our perception of it and it's perception of us and our mind's perception of itself can be included in this description.  Anger, much like emotional pain can eaisly be dispelled by not affecting out environment, but by affecting our reaction to our environment.

When the student Monk finally realizes that all things are One. That all things are themselves and everything else at once, then the sound of "one hand clapping" changes from literal to figurative.  The sound of one hand clapping is the sound of the wind in the trees.  It is the patter of rain drops on a window.  It is the smile of a baby.  The scream of a woman being raped.  It is the smell of diarrhea.  It is all things.

The notion of Quantum suicide and quantum immortality are flip sides of the same coin.  Our protagonist sits tremulously holding the barrel of a handgun in his mouth, pulls the trigger and hears a click.  Now the general theory of quantum suicide describes a more or less direct link from the random acts of a quantum particle to the macroscopic world.  But this arbitrary connection is not necessary.  You see due to probability, all things will occur at some point.  There is no process in the world that has a 0% or a 100% probability of occurring.  Thusly, even with a loaded gun in the protagonists mouth, there is still a small probability that the bullet will be a dud.  With this the quantum suicide becomes possible.  Say there is a 0.0001% chance that the bullet currently chambered in this gun is a dud.  He pulls the trigger. Well, the universe then fractures into at least 2 universes.  No matter how small the chance this possibility is realized in at least one world.  In this world he simply hears a click.  Pulling the hammer back once more, he fires.....another click, yet another universe.... over and over again most versions of him die, leaving a relative few to go onward.....Quantum immortality.